Monday, October 31, 2011

Job One

The most important thing, and perhaps the most challenging thing, in my basketball pursuit is to stay uninjured. Uninjured is a relative term--I'll never feel 100%, but I need to be healthy enough to play regularly.

So my strategy is to play, regularly. 3 times per week is the target. By that I mean to play twice and practice once, or practice twice and play once. And work on my fitness most of the other days of the week. And, of course, to recover appropriately after playing.

My current favorite recovery beverage is an Oxbow Farmhouse Pale Ale, brewed by my friend Tim Adams, in Newcastle. Maine. It's unfiltered, light golden in color,and hoppy, with citrus notes. Refreshing, as a Saison should be, but fullbodied and very smooth despite the sophisticated blend of flavors. At 6% or so ABV, it's a bit much for my recovery beverage of choice after the Saturday morning game but it's perfect after Wednesday night hoops.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Against The Odds

In a pursuit that started outdoors--on the court pictured here--and has now moved indoors, I am fighting the odds by playing basetball again, at age 56, after a 15 year lay-off. And the evidence is in, I stink. How bad? Well I'm 21-33 after today's 1-3. Other factors that make this a challenge: I'm about 20 pounds overweight and have a long history of foot and leg issues. But somehow I keep thinking I'll get better.

And now I have a goal: to represent Maine in the 2012 Maine Senior Games. I do have one significant factor that helps my against-the-odds pursuit. In the 2011 Maine Senior Games there were no men's teams from Maine (there were 11 teams from out of state). So I think it's as easy as rounding up some other geezers and signing up.