As we age, we must make choices. There are many advantages to ice hockey, compared to basketball. Less pounding, stress on the joints, no jumping, etc. But there are sticks in hockey. And sometimes the sticks go where they shouldn't. Thinking back over the years playing pick-up basketball I'm glad that I didn't have a stick in my hand. I found a way to be a jackass regardless, but a jackass with a stick is more invasive. Although I don't know if the dude who cross-checked John Kerry in the face is feeling guilty.
Speaking of Senator Kerry, two thoughts come to mind:
I wouldn't want him on my pick up team. He ran against a guy who:
1) started 2 wars, finished none.
2) presided over the first presidency featuring net job loss since Calvin Coolidge.
3) was in charge of the Abu Gharib crew.
4) grew the deficit astronomically (after inheriting a budget surplus).
To hit just a few examples of Dubya's first term embarrassing ineptitude.
And he somehow lost. I want a finisher on my team!
I'm a recovering marathon runner. In 2005, at Heartbreak Hill in Boston, I looked to my left and there was Senator Kerry, lying to me (this is ok, all politicians lie, and his was a little white lie):
"Looking good!" he said. And he gave me a thumbs up.
I responded with a thumbs up and a "Thanks, Senator".
But I might have hallucinated the whole thing. I tend to do that in the latter stages of a marathon. Soon after that, I looked to my left and noticed that the Green Line was moving faster than I was running. I finished the marathon. Drank to excess, and vowed never to run another one. I've kept that vow.
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