With my continued leg challenge my workouts have been exclusively limited to the indoor rowing machine. These are great cardiovascular, non-weightbearing, fullbody workouts that improve fitness and keep me prepare for a return to the hardcourt. They are tough and sweat-inducing workouts. And some of the sweat puddles in the crack of my ass (by the way, that's not my ass pictured here). Which leads to painful chaffing and abrasion. I can't figure out how to prevent it really, so I just lube up and bear it.
I have some travel upcoming, and workouts will be catch as catch can. I'll get back to the hoops--my 2012 debut--on Saturday, January 21.
How about one of those suction tube things that dentists use to keep the water out of your mouth?
ReplyDeleteGood idea! I just need to recruit the right dental hygenist to insert it properly.