Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Challenging DNPs (continued)
Although Tim Duncan sat because he's old, this injury to Amare Stoudamire is potentially more troubling. According to longtime Knicks announcer Al Trautwig, Stoudamire is suffering from an embarrassing bulge.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
DNP, Old
Sunday, March 25, 2012

At the (almost) end of the first quarter of the year, I have re-examined the goals that I set for the year. And as a result of that self reflection, I can now rationalize a slight change in the way I measure one of the goals.
I'm confident that I will achieve my "basketball games played" goal of 200. I've played 48 despite missing almost a month of playing time due to injury, illness, and travel. And I play more in the summer (outdoor) months. Also good news, I'm 28-20 in those 48 games. The won-loss record is not the be all and end all but I am playing better than I did last year.
I have lost 4 pounds (annual goal 10) and I will lose more in the spring, summer, and fall. I generally fatten up a bit in the winter.
I am slightly ahead of goal--24 versus a pro rata 23--on my "no booze" day target. The Monday and Thursday booze-free days have become a habit.
Finally, my "workout days" goal, a 250 day per year goal that I am currently behind (53 days versus a pro rata 58) requires a bit of reworking. The goal is fine, actually, but a "workout" that previously didn't qualify as a workout--a brisk walk, 5K minimum--now makes sense to me. Specifically, on the day after playing basketball, a recovery workout makes sense, and walking for an hour+ works really well. It's a low level calorie burn that re-engages the legs without wearing them out. So I'm calling it a workout. Effective immediately.
Beyond the twice weekly basketball games and once weekly basketball skill workouts, and the walking, I need to work the core (planks), and build some strength (push-ups and pull-ups), I need to develop some high end fitness. Every now and then I don't do what I should do on the basketball court because I am too fatigued to do the right thing. I'm going to try the tabata protocol, using my rowing machine, to increase my top end fitness. I did this a couple years ago and it's nasty. Twice per week should be plenty.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Glass is Half Full

I've been playing fullcourt, which is different from halfcourt in several ways: more north-south running; less basketball skills; and more thinking about moving (should run down there or are they just going to lay that one up and in?) before moving. This is per time played.
I think that it's arguable that halfcourt is a better workout: more lateral movement; no coasting anytime--especially on defense (this contrasts with a fair amount of jogging up/down the court in full court); and, more more basketball skill use.
On the other hand, there is sprinting in the full court game. Hmmm, maybe the fullcourt game is a better workout.
There are some specific basketball skills that I can't do (anymore) and can't really practice. Like catching a ball on the run in the open court and doing something positive with it. My fullcourt turnovers tend to come from this category of errors. I feel that it is important to run the court but I almost think it's necessary--and this would be really awkward--to announce to my teammates that I will run but that no one should pass me the ball until I've stopped running, right under the basket.
Anyway, my weeks will generally include a fullcourt game with the young 'uns on Thursday mornings, because there is no halfcourt game. And my halfcourt gig with the geezers on Saturday.
I am now pro-rata for my 200 games played goal (34 on the 46th day of the year) and I'm above .500 at 20-14.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Beer Sales Grew in 2011

The increase was fueled by craft beer sales. I've done my share.
Bud, MGD, and other domestic shite beers have seen huge sales declines in the past five years.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
We Have A Date, And A Roster

Specifically, there are 5 of us--all geezer ball regulars--who will represent Maine in the 55-59 age group at the Maine Senior Games at Cape Elizabeth High School on September 16, 2012. A trip to the Nationals, in Cleveland, OH in 2013, is the reward if we play well.
But that's a ways off. I need to figure out why my back is so sore at currently (rowing?). As an investigative measure, I'm going to switch to the spinning bike for my non-basketball workouts for a while.
By the way, I don't know the geezers pictured here. And I'd call a foul on the old dude practicing his low-post move on J-Lo.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Mixed Bag
A January re-cap reveals a bit of a mixed bag, in terms of goal attainment projections. A leg injury and a one week vacation contributed to being well off my basketball games played goal of 16-17 per month (200 per year). I played only 7. On the plus side, I won 5 of those 7 and have now completely recovered from the leg injury.
My "no booze days" goal of 8-9 per month is tracking well (8), and I'm a little off my workout day goal of 21 per month (18).
All in all, not bad, and with no travel/vacation days in sight, I will make up ground in the next couple of months.
My "no booze days" goal of 8-9 per month is tracking well (8), and I'm a little off my workout day goal of 21 per month (18).
All in all, not bad, and with no travel/vacation days in sight, I will make up ground in the next couple of months.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Geezer Choices

As we age, we must make choices. There are many advantages to ice hockey, compared to basketball. Less pounding, stress on the joints, no jumping, etc. But there are sticks in hockey. And sometimes the sticks go where they shouldn't. Thinking back over the years playing pick-up basketball I'm glad that I didn't have a stick in my hand. I found a way to be a jackass regardless, but a jackass with a stick is more invasive. Although I don't know if the dude who cross-checked John Kerry in the face is feeling guilty.
Speaking of Senator Kerry, two thoughts come to mind:
I wouldn't want him on my pick up team. He ran against a guy who:
1) started 2 wars, finished none.
2) presided over the first presidency featuring net job loss since Calvin Coolidge.
3) was in charge of the Abu Gharib crew.
4) grew the deficit astronomically (after inheriting a budget surplus).
To hit just a few examples of Dubya's first term embarrassing ineptitude.
And he somehow lost. I want a finisher on my team!
I'm a recovering marathon runner. In 2005, at Heartbreak Hill in Boston, I looked to my left and there was Senator Kerry, lying to me (this is ok, all politicians lie, and his was a little white lie):
"Looking good!" he said. And he gave me a thumbs up.
I responded with a thumbs up and a "Thanks, Senator".
But I might have hallucinated the whole thing. I tend to do that in the latter stages of a marathon. Soon after that, I looked to my left and noticed that the Green Line was moving faster than I was running. I finished the marathon. Drank to excess, and vowed never to run another one. I've kept that vow.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Back At It

My long awaited 2012 basketball (okay, geezer ball) debut was a success on a couple of levels. First, I was 2-1, which brings me to 2-1 on the year. Second, and more important, my leg didn't bother me at all. It has healed. Now the focus turns to skills, and my improvement of them. Shooting the basketball being primary among the skills.
Sunday was an opportunity to cross country ski! The local golf course asks for a $2 donation, grooms the trails, and is a short drive. With my lack of balance and skill, a one hour ski is a terrific way to get a great workout in the outdoors. Unfortunately, today and tomorrow we'll experience a January thaw, and the snow conditions will deteriorate to the point of making skiing impossible. Back to the rowing machine!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Crack Trouble

With my continued leg challenge my workouts have been exclusively limited to the indoor rowing machine. These are great cardiovascular, non-weightbearing, fullbody workouts that improve fitness and keep me prepare for a return to the hardcourt. They are tough and sweat-inducing workouts. And some of the sweat puddles in the crack of my ass (by the way, that's not my ass pictured here). Which leads to painful chaffing and abrasion. I can't figure out how to prevent it really, so I just lube up and bear it.
I have some travel upcoming, and workouts will be catch as catch can. I'll get back to the hoops--my 2012 debut--on Saturday, January 21.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Maximizing and Minimizing

As in, low price, high flavor and alcohol content, and low calorie count. The beer pictured here--Flying Dog Snake Bite IPA--is at the apex of appropriate maximum and minimum. It's brewed in Maryland, after being born in Colorado. The influence is Hunter Thompson, with art work by Ralph STEADman (that's the way he spells it, by the way, with the CAPS through half of his last name.
Anyway, it's good: hoppy and citrusy, flavorful, 7.1% ABV, and $7.99 a 6-pack at my local store. 183 calories in a 12 ounce bottle.
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