I've been playing fullcourt, which is different from halfcourt in several ways: more north-south running; less basketball skills; and more thinking about moving (should run down there or are they just going to lay that one up and in?) before moving. This is per time played.
I think that it's arguable that halfcourt is a better workout: more lateral movement; no coasting anytime--especially on defense (this contrasts with a fair amount of jogging up/down the court in full court); and, more more basketball skill use.
On the other hand, there is sprinting in the full court game. Hmmm, maybe the fullcourt game is a better workout.
There are some specific basketball skills that I can't do (anymore) and can't really practice. Like catching a ball on the run in the open court and doing something positive with it. My fullcourt turnovers tend to come from this category of errors. I feel that it is important to run the court but I almost think it's necessary--and this would be really awkward--to announce to my teammates that I will run but that no one should pass me the ball until I've stopped running, right under the basket.
Anyway, my weeks will generally include a fullcourt game with the young 'uns on Thursday mornings, because there is no halfcourt game. And my halfcourt gig with the geezers on Saturday.
I am now pro-rata for my 200 games played goal (34 on the 46th day of the year) and I'm above .500 at 20-14.